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There is more than a little magical delight to a fine sip or delicious morsel and I'd like to share with you a few nuggets we have enjoyed when entertaining ourselves with our delicious Treguddick Garlic Vinegar and our divine yearly rendition of the ever-timely Christmas Spirit!

Let's kick off with the GV.

Simple is best for making a garlic mayo!

If you don't want to make a mayo, simply add a tsp of GV to a couple of tablespoons of mayo and the job is done! You might be tempted to grate some fine lime zest into it - ideal for dunking a cooked prawn in! I'd normally pop an egg yolk in a bowl with a tsp of GV and a tsp of mustard, blend and then add my groundnut oil (200ml) slowly at the first and then as it takes it, add a further tbsp right at the end to loosen it up a toosh.

A quick and simple tomato sauce for pasta

Usually I take 6 decent sized toms, prick them and pop them in a pan of salted water until the skins start to come off. Then into a bowl of cold water to stop hands from burning and peel. Thereafter, quickly take out the cores and crush through a fine sieve using a mortar and there's my seedless start to my sauce. Next into a pan with 2 tbsp of olive oil, one crumpled stock cube to suit your dish - chicken works for most things - and the essential two torn large fresh bay leaves. Cook until it thickens and then add 2 tbsps of GV, reduce to the consistency you wish and that will be oh so delish. I normally tip my al dente pasta into the sauce to coat and then plate. So simple but utterly delicious.

We've clattered through a starter and a main so let’s uncork our Christmas Spirit - put two tots to the side - one for you and one for a friend - then let's have a go at another yummy dish.

Poached apples and pears in caramelised Christmas Spirit

I normally allow an apple and pear per person. Peel, core and halve. Into a medium hot pan put a generous 75g of butter and the same of sugar - demerara or soft brown is lovely, in fact any will do! As soon as the butter has melted, lay on your fruit cut side down and cook half through - about 8 mins or so. Flip over the fruit and add a quarter to half a bottle of Christmas Spirit and reduce by a half. You can pop in a cinnamon quill and two star anise too if you like and perhaps a few twists of lime zest; if you really fancy a twist, I pop in 6-12 leaves of golden oregano. Once the sauce is reduced pour in 70-100ml of double cream and reduce to the thickness you prefer. Light but hearty!


Dr. J

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